Georgia: Woman charged under 'move over' law

A woman whom police say nearly struck an officer working an auto accident Wednesday night on the roadside was arrested and charged under the state’s “move over” law. The driver from the accident, whose car had struck a deer at the intersection of Highway 37 East and Ellis Mae Road, warned the deputy to step out of the way as the 2014 Freestar minivan approached without slowing or moving over, police said.

The deputy stepped in front of his patrol car, which was parked beside the roadway with blue lights flashing, to get out of the path of the driver. The driver of the minivan came close to striking the officer and patrol car, police said.

After the car passed the officer followed and caught it on Skipper Road, where he made a traffic stop.

The driver, Maria Rafael, told the officer she did not speak English and did not have a driver’s license, police said.

Rafael, 38, 583 Willow Drive, was charged with approaching authorized emergency vehicle and no driver’s license.

Cedric Brown of Lake Park, the driver of the car involved in the accident with the deer, was not injured.

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